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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuscany and Giglio seek A 177m in damages over claims that Costa...

Revealed: What it's REALLY like to be a Savoy-trained butler for the super-rich in Etihad's A 12,500 'apartment in the sky' Frosty relations after Salt Lake brands itself Ski City USA... much to the annoyance of Colorado's Ski Town USA Yours for A 3.5million! 100-acre New Zealand camping spot with perfect sea views goes on sale Up, up and away! Scores of hot air balloons create breath-taking display of colours and shapes as 400,000 spectators gather at Mexican festival Daredevil diver jumps into shark-infested waters to 'get a better view' of hammerhead ... but is forced to use speargun to fend off aggressive animal Tantrums over the shape of a scone, flight bans for wearing low-slung trousers and delays to play Scrabble on a phone: The world's best in-flight celebrity meltdowns Passengers break out in applause as Japan's maglev train completes first test run... reaching speeds of up to ... (more)


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