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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Prosecutor lays into Concordia captain

Grosseto, January 22 - Grosseto prosecutor Alessandro Leopizzi was unsparing in his criticism of Francesco Schettino during his closing arguments in the trial of the former Costa Concordia captain for multiple counts of manslaughter and dereliction of duty in relation to the partial sinking of the cruise liner after it hit rocks off the Tuscan island of Giglio in January 2012, leaving 32 people dead. Schettino "had an exuberance that led him to be insincere," began Leopizzi, citing a report by the former Costa Cruises commander Mario Terenzio Palombo, before insisting that the accident on January 13, 2012, was due to "human factors" and that the cruise liner was not a "rattletrap".


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